Saturday, September 10, 2011


When I arrived home, I swore that I would read History the whole day. I would not rely on the ppt notes. I would actually read the most boring history book in the world--word from word and attempt to remember every detail. The idea of being able to accomplish such a task is titillating and I arrive home with a well-formed goal in my mind. I become proud of myself then I open my laptop and end up Facebooking, 9gag-ing and C.H-ing. I check the clock and its almost sun down. So I decide to do the task at nighttime instead. It is nighttime and I feel more like reflecting.

I am angry at myself because my problems are so easily remedied. If I just began in a task right away, it would be finished just as swiftly and I can relax. But no, I never reach the state of being finished (at least in the magis way) because I never begin. I do accomplish the required tasks but I never finish what would make me feel better.


I do not like to procrastinate. Actually I want to finish things. BUT NO....


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