Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy thoughts

No "cancel" is available here. Quite inconvenient. I would have to go back to all my posts and delete the intimidatingly empty blog posts. Reminds me of life.

Let me write stream-of-consciousness-esque.  I have been wondering how people should act, what people should want--stuff like that. These thoughts have emotionally-manipulated me, somehow (an inconvenience of being human, apparently. We were created with reason and emotion..err annoying). Now, I am typing stream-of-consciousness-ly because I do not feel the decency of writing with more articulation and finesse. And I want to write more elegantly in this post!

I am dubious now. Shall I retreat to a mindless life? Slowly conforming to the routines of everyday living while meaninglessly, listlessly, waiting for every sunrise? I have been too much of a nihilist and I insist a change. A change that would hopefully evoke some passion within. A passion for living with ever so much vitality that I would be like one of those extremely vibrant people that appear in those healthy-food commercials. What change shall that be? Value, virtue, all of that. Let value and virtue paste some vibrant glow in my face.

I am nonsensical once again. Thank goodness my audience is limited to myself--and well, a couple of people.

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