Friday, May 20, 2011


I can feel the world ending and this is no foresight nor a prediction. In fact, this is one of those sporadic moments wherein one gets paranoid and fears the duration of his or her existence. Because I have only felt this queer eerie feeling right now, I shall proceed to expressing my sentiments.

1. Do not blame me for my rather "messed up" philosophy. I maybe nihilist most of the time and the meaning of life escapes me but that is because I find that belief far more plausible than any other ideology, existence-wise and religion-wise. All my other beliefs are aligned to this. I am not communist but I am quite close to it --minus the freedom part; I believe in freedom. I wish that we all could be willing to contribute to the survival of every individual. We all do not know what awaits at the end of our lifetime. I am selfish at this though. I fear my end just like everybody else and I would be far more appeased if I were to end in oblivion.

2. As of this moment, you mean a lot to me.

3. I am just another messed up person. Do not expect any thing from me. I feel pressure. So much pressure. And most of it is inflicted on myself.

4. Forgive me. I am the worst person in the world. :(


1 comment:

  1. You're just having one of those days... :p
