Sunday, January 2, 2011

Rotten Tomatoes Could Get Rotten

"Expanding horizons" That is what I would like to call my new pastime. Every thing regardless of its relevance to life passes the time; I do say that "pastime" is a good-enough term. I should try exploring more directors and screenwriters. While exposing myself to different art forms and quality films, I contemplate on the helpfulness of sites like and -both of which are legit if you qualitatively seek a next film. 

The Internet Movie Database has a humongous database (hence the name) containing films and television shows of all eras. It has a Wikipedia flavor because most of the information are submitted by registered members (the difference between it and Wiki). You could be assured that the "masses" generally know what movies are worth the watch.

A contrasting site would be Rotten Tomatoes. Some well-rated movies in IMDB are poorly received in RT. RT houses a mixture of learned and pretentious critics. Emphasis on pretension. Movies are supposed to be evaluated on how the elements jive together to create an integral art form. Several critics account the littlest things and express their pseudo-sentiments with precocious words that were probably sought for in a thesaurus whilst writing the review. Thank goodness the criticisms are filtered. But I still do search on the reviews every now and then. I would not want to expect too much from a movie. I can get quite sentimental.

Anyhoot, let not these criticisms affect my eye on a good movie. Yes, my eye for aesthetics is a premature one but I beg to differ. I will eventually understand the social significance of each and every film. "Higher" critics do say that "low criticism" scrutinizes over the superficial elements of the movie. "Higher criticism" involves analyzing on the themes and issues presented in the film.

I'm 16. I'm turning 17. I have a lot of time. How often is it that a person of my ripe age searches for an academic undertone in media? If you would not call this academic, how about intellectual? There are several skills I would like to develop and film analysis would help me in achieving that.

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